Emergency Management Victoria

Joint Standard Operating Procedures (JSOPs)


EMKnowledge Filename - EMV-JSOP

Latest Changes

JSOP - Summary of Changes

JSOP - Control List

JSOP - Table of Contents


2. Operational Preparedness

J02.02 - Incident Communications Planning

J02.03 - Incident Management Team Readiness Arrangements

J02.04 - Local Knowledge - Bushfire

J02.06 - Aviation Resources Readiness (Bushfire)


3. Operational Response

J03.02 - Incident Naming - Major Emergencies

J03.03 - Incident Action Planning

J03.04 - Incident Safety Management Functions

J03.06 - Incident Briefings

J03.08 - Appointment of Class 1 Regional Controllers and Incident Controllers

J03.09 - Resource Request Process

J03.10 - Traffic Management

J03.11 - Red Flag Warnings

J03.12 - Evacuation for Major Emergencies

J03.15 - Transfer Of Control And IMT Relocation for Class 1 Emergencies

J03.16 - Significant Event Notification

J03.17 - Regional Operations Plans

J03.18 - Incident Air Monitoring and Advice for Community Health

J03.19 - Managing Significant Community Exposure to Fine Particles and Carbon Monoxide in Smoke from Fires


4. Community Information

J04.01 - Public Information and Warnings for Class 1 Emergencies

J04.02 - Public Information and Warnings for Class 2 Emergencies


8. Safety

J08.01 - OH&S Incident Reporting and Investigation - Major Emergencies

J08.02 - Dynamic Risk Assessment

J08.03 - Tree Hazard - Fire

J08.04 - Managing Potential Asbestos Exposure

J08.05 - Health Monitoring - Emergency Personnel

J08.06 - Multi-Agency Complaint Escalation Process



12. Performance Monitoring and Improvement

J12.01 - Real Time Monitoring and Evaluation


Emergency Management Victoria - Operating Procedures

EMV Procedures for Incident Management



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Signed copy of these documents can be obtained by contacting the State Control Centre - State Operations Secretariat – (03) 9032-3600.